Why Us

Why Choose Our Lottery Software

You can easily Google and find many lottery software in the market. However, you should read on to learn why you should choose our award-winning lottery software, which is the best, the most advanced and the most effective around!

105,285+ people use our lottery software & lottery app!

Real lottery winners with winning lottery tickets

Some lottery software claim to have lottery winners with mere comments from their customers. Do you think such quotes are real?

We only publish our customer reviews and testimonials with their winning lottery tickets!

See the winning tickets of magayo Lotto users
See the winning tickets of magayo Pick users

Jackpot Lottery Winner

Mexico Chispazo winning Jackpot lottery ticket

"I played the recommendation... and I won the first prize!"

magayo Lotto software user

See the winning lottery tickets of magayo Lotto users

Download magayo Lotto software

magayo Lotto is also available as an Android app

Powerful and yet easy to use

Our lottery software is powerful, feature-rich and yet, intuitive, flexible and easy to use.

See the features of magayo Lotto
See the features of magayo 3D4D
See the features of magayo Pick

Comprehensive global coverage with ease of updates

Some lottery software do not provide any lottery results while others may require you to visit their website to manually download and install the updated results.

We support hundreds of lottery games around the world and the lottery results can be easily updated with a single click.

See the supported lottery games of magayo Lotto
See the supported lottery games of magayo 3D4D
See the supported lottery games of magayo Pick

Valid and legitimate awards

Some lottery software display their awards with no links, broken links or invalid links.

Each and every award displayed for our lottery software is valid and legitimate!

See the awards and accolades for magayo Lotto
See the awards and accolades for magayo Pick

Featured Awards & Accolades

CNET Editors' review

"Finally, here is software that might help you win the lottery"

Softonic Editorial Team's review

"This unique software bundle contains intelligent algorithms that could very well enable you to strike it rich."

BytesIn Editor's review

"If you play the lottery and you want to improve your chances of winning, magayo Lotto is an application that can be of help."

FileCroco Editor's review

"This Lotto software is unique. It stands out from the rest by using more advanced algorithms."

"We strongly recommend you to take a look at Magayo Lotto software!"

"magayo Lotto is an application that can be of great use to anyone who enjoys playing the lottery."

Rated 5 stars by BestVistaDownloads

Rated 5 stars by BestSoftware4Download

Rated 5 stars by BestFreewareDownload

Rated 5 stars by Windows7Download

Digitally signed and 100% safe & clean

Even though your computer may be protected with anti-virus software, why take the risk of downloading any software that may be potentially unsafe?

Our lottery software is digitally signed to prove that it has not been altered or compromised by a third party. It has also been scanned by various third-party software download sites and verified safe & clean.

See the anti-virus reports of magayo Lotto
See the anti-virus reports of magayo Pick

Always download our lottery software from our website and avoid the installers and wrappers of software download sites, which may bundle our software with other applications.

Furthermore, our website has been verified safe by Google Safe Browsing, Norton Safe Web and McAfee SiteAdvisor.

Our website reputation is also rated 100/100 by Webutation.

No time limitation and never expire

Why download and install a lottery software that will expire in 14 days or 30 days? At the end of the trial period, it becomes another piece of junk that clogs up your computer and you either have to uninstall it or purchase it.

Our lottery software never expire and you can continue to use for as long as you like!

Download magayo Lotto
Download magayo 3D4D
Download magayo Pick

Excellent customer support with fast response

It is always frustrating if you send a query and have to wait for days to get an answer. Or worse, your query may end up in a black hole with no response whatsoever.

We strive hard to respond as fast as we can and regardless of whether you are our free user or Pro user, you will usually hear from us within 1 business day!

Please remember to check your spam folder if you do not see our response. Please also whitelist our email (support at magayo dot com) if you are using some third-party email filtering or verification service.

Choose our lottery software and play intelligently & responsibly!

magayo.com is verified safe by Google Safe Browsing

magayo.com is verified safe by Norton Safe Web