How To Play Blackjack

How To Play Blackjack

Blackjack is one of the easiest casino games to learn as the rules are very simple.

Some people think that they can beat the casino by playing blackjack through counting cards but this is not really the case as casinos have a lot of strategies that they can use to overcome this trick. However, blackjack does have some of the best odds of all casino games and this is one reason why it continues to be so popular.

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The basics of the game of blackjack are very simple. The aim of the game is to beat the dealer by getting nearer to the total of 21 than they have. This is important because it means that you do not actually have to get to the total of 21 in every game.

You will be dealt two cards, one will be face up and the other will be face down. Cards numbered 2-10 are worth their face value. Picture cards are also worth 10 and an ace can be used as either 1 or 11 at the discretion of the player. You need to try and get as close to 21 as possible without going over. If your cards total more than 21 then you will be out of the game.

The dealer will deal two cards to all players. Once all players have their cards then you are allowed to pick them up and look at the hand you have been dealt. The dealer will then deal themselves two cards. There are certain rules that the dealer must abide by in terms of their own cards. If they are dealt a hand that is 16 or lower then they must deal themselves another card. If their hand is 17 or higher then they must stand.

The best outcome in the hand that you have been dealt is to get 21 or 'a blackjack' with just two cards. This can be done with an ace and either a picture card or a ten.

If you are happy with the hand that you have been dealt then you can choose to stand which means that you won't be dealt any more cards and you will play the hand that you have. If you want to add a card to your hand then you will ask the dealer for a 'hit'. You can ask for as many hits as you want to try and get to 21 or as close to it as possible.

Bear in mind though that if you go over you will be out of the game and will have lost your bet. A large part of the game is weighing up the risk of getting a card that will take you over your total if you need to get closer to 21 to be in with a chance of winning.

There are many places online that you can read about different strategies for playing blackjack to try and win as many times as possible. However, to really get a feel for the game then you will need to play it so you can put the theories that you have learned into practice. If you want to practice without betting any real cash then downloading the Royal Vegas casino software offers even more fun. You can play for free here while you test things out and when you feel more confident you can just deposit some money and start to play for real.

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