Lottery Data API Plans

Lottery Data API

Our lottery data API allows you to retrieve the following information:

  • Lottery game information
  • Lottery draw results
  • Next lottery draw date
  • Next lottery jackpot amount

List of supported lottery games
List of supported lottery jackpots

Our WordPress lottery plugin makes use of our lottery data API and our API plans listed here are also applicable to the use of our WordPress lottery plugin.

5,248+ people use our lottery feeds, lottery APIs & WordPress lottery plugin!

Which lottery data API plan should I choose?

For most games, the draw results are updated approximately 30 minutes to 3 hours after the draw. For Powerball and Mega Millions, the draw results may be available as early as 15 minutes after the draw.

Due to the unpredictable nature of the Internet, you may poll for the draw results every 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours or X hours, depending on how soon you would like to have the draw results.

Each time you poll and call our API, it is considered as 1 API request, regardless of whether the latest draw results are available or not.

For example, if you poll every hour for the draw results of a daily game, you will require approximately 720 API requests (24 x 30 = 720) per month.

In exceptional conditions, we will be alerted on the next day when the draw results for any game is not updated on the day of the draw. We will then manually enter the results usually within 12-24 hours after the draw. Users of our lottery software will also inform us when the draw results are not updated.

The next jackpot amounts are usually available, earliest around 2-4 hours after the draw while the jackpot information for some games may be available only around 12-24 hours after the draw. You can poll every 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours or X hours to check for the next jackpot amount. If you check for the jackpot every 2 hours, you will need around 360 API requests (12 x 30 = 360) each month.

In short, it’s a trade-off between how quickly you would like to have the draw results and/or the next jackpots, which determines the frequency of your polling, versus the cost of the APIs. You can thus decide on the API plan to subscribe to.

Flexible Lottery Data API Plans

We offer different plans with various subscription periods for our lottery data API to meet your needs. You can upgrade or downgrade your plan at any time. You can also contact us at any time to cancel your subscription.

There are no setup costs and no hidden charges.

Kindly note that the subscription to our paid plan is non-refundable because you can try out our API service through our Free Plan first before subscribing.

The number of API requests are calculated based on the calendar month (eg from Jan 1 to Jan 31).

When subscribing to our paid plan, please use the same email address as in your API account in the BMT Micro order page.

By signing up, you agree to our terms of use.

Secure Payment through BMT Micro

We partner with BMT Micro to provide you with a safe and secure online shopping experience. Various modes of payment are available depending on your country. You can select the mode of payment in the BMT Micro order page.

Pay securely through BMT Micro

Accepts all major credit cards and PayPal

Lottery Data API Bronze Plan

Monthly Plan

100 API requests a month

Recurring payment every 30 days


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Quarterly Plan

100 API requests a month

Recurring payment every 90 days


5% discount

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Annual Plan

100 API requests a month

Recurring payment every 1 year


20% discount

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Lottery Data API Silver Plan

Monthly Plan

1,000 API requests a month

Recurring payment every 30 days


Subscribe now

Quarterly Plan

1,000 API requests a month

Recurring payment every 90 days


5% discount

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Annual Plan

1,000 API requests a month

Recurring payment every 1 year


20% discount

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Lottery Data API Silver Plus Plan

Monthly Plan

10,000 API requests a month

Recurring payment every 30 days


Subscribe now

Quarterly Plan

10,000 API requests a month

Recurring payment every 90 days


5% discount

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Annual Plan

10,000 API requests a month

Recurring payment every 1 year


20% discount

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Lottery Data API Gold Lite Plan

Monthly Plan

100,000 API requests a month

Recurring payment every 30 days


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Quarterly Plan

100,000 API requests a month

Recurring payment every 90 days


5% discount

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Annual Plan

100,000 API requests a month

Recurring payment every 1 year


20% discount

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Lottery Data API Gold Plan

Monthly Plan

Unlimited API requests a month

Recurring payment every 30 days


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Quarterly Plan

Unlimited API requests a month

Recurring payment every 90 days


5% discount

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Annual Plan

Unlimited API requests a month

Recurring payment every 1 year


20% discount

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