Free Lottery Data API

Lottery Data API

Our lottery data API allows you to retrieve the following information:

  • Lottery game information
  • Lottery draw results
  • Next lottery draw date
  • Next lottery jackpot amount
  • Past lottery jackpot amount

You can easily integrate the above lottery information into your lottery application and website.

List of supported lottery games
List of supported lottery jackpots

If you are using WordPress, you can simply install our WordPress Lottery Plugin.

Our API is very stable and reliable with over 99.9% uptime.

5,237+ people use our lottery feeds, lottery APIs & WordPress lottery plugin!

Jackpot Lottery Winner

Mexico Chispazo winning Jackpot lottery ticket

"I played the recommendation... and I won the first prize!"

magayo Lotto software user

See the winning lottery tickets of magayo Lotto users

Download magayo Lotto software

magayo Lotto is also available as an Android app

Getting Started

To get started, simply sign up for a free API account, if you do not have one, and you will be issued with an API key.

With your unique API key, it is extremely easy for you to retrieve the lottery draw results through a simple API request. For example, you can replace the "api_key" with your API key in the below API call:

Our Lottery Data API is available in JSON and XML formats and secure HTTPS connections are used to provide enhanced security for all API users.

You can also retrieve the game information, next draw date, the next lottery jackpot and the past lottery jackpot:

See the detailed API documentation

You can subscribe to one of our paid plans later based on your needs.

Lottery Data API Plans

Sites Using Lottery Data API

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